29 October 2013

How To Get A Girlfriend - An Easy 3-Step Plan

How to get a girlfriend must be one of the most sought-after yet lacking skills among young men. It's time an easy step-by-step plan was put together.
The key points of such a plan are very simple -

  • figure out what kind of person you are

  • establish what kind of girl would be most attracted to you

  • and then give her the best reason in the world to like you.
Girlfriend in school

Let's take these three points one at a time.

1. What kind of person are you?

  • Are you extrovert, always with your friends, the life and soul of the party? Or are you introvert, happiest when you're alone or with just one or two friends in quiet surroundings?Or maybe you're somewhere in between, like most people. Gauge whereabouts you are on the scale.

  • Do you have any special qualities? Everyone has at least one or two.
  • Are you kind? 
  • Do you have a sharp wit or great sense of humour?
  • Are you good with people? 
  • Are you devoted to a particular sport or hobby?

what kind of personality you have to attract girl

Assess your strong points and your weak points, good things about you and not so good things. All the things in life you love, and all the things you hate.
Take your time over this because it's golden. Even write it all down if it helps. It really does work.

When you've written all you can, put the paper away and retrieve it the next day or the day after. You'll be surprised at how many changes you make to it after your sub-conscious has had time to ponder it all.
The more you do this the better the picture you'll have of yourself - and the truer. So let's move on to the next stage.

2. What kind of girl would be most attracted to a person like you?
You shouldn't go looking for a girl that's a carbon copy of you, nor the complete opposite. That's not how to get a girlfriend. Look at all the characteristics that you've written down and establish in your mind in relation to each one what kind of qualities should be present in your ideal girlfriend.
Girl will like you

If you're totally outgoing and liable to do some wacky things sometimes, you may prefer a girlfriend who can "rein you in" now and then. If you're rather quiet and introverted you need a girlfriend who can bring you out and make you blossom.
You see? It doesn't really matter if she's blonde or brunette, petite or well rounded. What matters most is how the two of you can blend together to form a mutually satisfying and workable partnership. That's how to get girlfriends.

3. How do you give her a solid reason to like you?
You have to make her feel good about herself. And you do this not by trying to impress her with how wonderful you are, but by how wonderful she is. By focusing the conversation on her, taking her side in every problem she has, and giving her true appreciation for what she is.
What qualities in boy attract a girl

Apart from smiling and laughing with her, you should show her at every opportunity that you think she's special - better than any other girl. If you do this with sincerity then soon she'll not be able to get enough of it. And she'll be proud to call herself your girlfriend.
So now you know much more about how to get a girlfriend.

You can refer this as well  Moving animated cartoon smiling eyes with finger pointing down

 How to Get a Girl to Like you - 5 Steps

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How to Get a Girl to Like you - 5 Steps

Are you stumped with how to get a girl to like you? Fear not, because there are ways to catch a woman’s heart. Around half of the world's male populations have a dilemma on how to capture the heart of the girl of their dreams the same as you. Just what is it that makes women weak in the knees anyway? Below is a list of tips on how to get a girl to like you:
How to get girl to like you

Be yourself:-
As with getting anyone, male or female, to like you, simply be yourself. Being fake would only repulse people. Faking your own personality drives people away. Honesty and integrity is a barometer of trustworthiness. If a girl can't trust you to be yourself, why would she entrust you with her life?
Be Yourself

Immerse yourself:-
If you've always felt awkward with the fairer sex, it's not the end of the world. It may take practice; but as with any intrepid endeavor, it takes time to warm up to the changes. Start with the basics.

Take note of your own family. How do the male and female members interact? If you're fortunate enough to have been raised in a female-dominated family, then you'd at least have a basic awareness of how to conduct yourself around girls. But if you've only ever been exposed to testosterone your entire life, you'll have to work a little harder at it.

Try to interact with women more and try to be familiar with their ways. It won't do you good to avoid them at all costs just because you are daunted by them. Girls aren't immune to insecurity, too. If you're afraid to approach a girl, remind yourself that girls wonder about how to get guys to like them as well.
Immerse Youself

Be Nice:-
Being nice and pleasant are two different things. Sure, you might be a pleasant fellow to be around with, but do you actually go out of your way to be a decent human being?
Help an old lady cross the street. Be a role model for kids to look up to. Be kind to animals. Being considerate to others, no matter the age, gender, or species, is sure to make any girl fall for you.

Of course, don't do it just to impress her. If all you're after are the brownie points, your efforts will only backfire, painfully.

Be Nice

Clean up your act:-
There are females may find rugged types rather appealing. That, however, is no excuse for you to avoid hygienic rituals. A guy can be the most awe-inspiring Adonis, but it's a given the girls will flee and avoid him like a dreaded disease if he lives like a slob.

CleanUp your Act

Be a friend:-
Yes, platonic relationships between people of the opposite sexes do exist. In some cases, pure friendship relationships can even lead to romantic relationships. But whether or not you'd like to take it that far, bear in mind that girls weren't made to be chased after to be captured like prize game.

The chances for her to like your company if you treat her with respect, listen to her intently, and be her support system when she's not in a good place. Let her see your clean intentions and you shouldn't let her feel like you're only after one thing (and you're probably aware what that is).

Be A Friend

Just follow these simple steps on how to get a girl to like you and the girl of your dreams will be yours in no time.
Dream girl of yours

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5 Signals To Know Whether A Girl Likes You ?

Women are very complex and complicated creatures. No wonder men are oftentimes confused by female attraction signals that ladies are sending out.
It may seem difficult to decipher these signals, but learning to watch out for some fool-proof indications will help you identify female attraction signals which are real and promising from those that are imaginary and doomed.

Whether girl likes you in school or college, Through Texting,likes you through texting, is interested in you, likes you in facebook, likes you, likes you in high school, likes you quiz, likes you body language, likes you in middle school

Signal # 1: She likes talking to you and spending time with you.
A girl who is interested in you will always take the opportunity to talk to you and be with you, or make excuses to do so.
When you are talking to a lady and you notice that she participates actively in the conversation, it may be a sign that she is into you. If she gives clipped answers and looks around when you are talking to her, it means she lacks interest.

Signal # 2: She introduces you to her friends and family.
Introducing you to her friends and family members is one of the classic female attraction signals. It means she isn't embarrassed about being seen or being associated with you.
It also means that she considers you to be a fixture in her life, someone who she thinks will stick around for a long time.

Signal # 3: She laughs at your jokes.
If a woman laughs at your jokes, even when you know they're not really funny, then that is another telltale sign. A girl who doesn't like you will just politely smile or else laugh sarcastically and make excuses to get away from you.

Signal # 4: She plays hard to get.
This is one of the most tricky female attraction signals. A lady who likes a guy would think that a man would not seriously take something that comes to him easily, or at least not for long.
It may also be some sort of a test, as she would think that a guy who can't take a challenge may not be worthy of her.

Signal # 5: She is comfortable with you.
A girl who likes you will feel comfortable and secure in your company. You will know this when you notice habits and characteristics of her that may not be very flattering.
This means she can be herself around you, without pretenses, and be comfortable talking to you or hanging out with you.

Women send out female attraction signals, consciously or not. A guy just has to be observant and sensitive to tell which ones show how interested a lady is.

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28 October 2013

How to Approach a Girl in College ?

You are in a class, looking forward to the particular teacher to start his release to the category for the first day of college. Because you're sitting there, a lady is available in; your woman catches the consideration. You would imagine to your self, "Wow! That's that will lovely girl? I have to talk to the woman's.In . Nevertheless how do you do which? How can you talk to the woman's to uncover who she's? This is how you need the understated artwork regarding realizing how to talk to girls to enable you to understand the woman's as well as exactly what she is such as.

However, that is the big issue, don't you think? How to talk to girls just like her allowing you to have a chance to night out the girl? This is the time you may need a few "how to talk to girls" suggestions to permit you. What types of points for anyone who is doing that can make her flip the woman's brain towards a person?

Hint 1 -- Self-assurance
It can be Essential! And make Your hair a Plan To Talk To Her
Ok, she's went in the classroom and you can feel will be, "Wow!" First off, select your chin up started and stay quiet. In lieu of ruling to your ex and seated proper up coming to the woman's, program the knowledge. As a result, consider wherever your woman is located making a note of computer. It's possible to transfer more detailed to your ex and nonchalantly talk with her nevertheless be refined regarding it. Of course, you need to be confident throughout your self to do this plan of action. If you are an assured man or woman, and then discussing to her will not too big of an issue.
Make sure she can note that self confidence radiating off of a person simply because ladies enjoy self confidence in males. Maybe you have seen a lower than self-confident guy out on a date? Be sure certainly not to confuse stress, seeing stars and nervousness using deficiency of confidence, as they are not one along with the exact same. Understand that this is simply not all that's necessary to know about how to talk to girls yet it's the start.

Hint 2 -- Have A Positive Lifestyle
Girls don't want men that are invariably therefore damaging regarding points in life. Unfavorable guys do not get your girls. Therefore, for your next, "how to talk to girls" suggestion, bear in mind to maintain positivity concerning items when talking to her. Hence, the first chat with her mustn't be downing the category or perhaps something of that nature. Begin with asking your ex title, requesting the woman's the reason why your woman took the course, what she actually is majoring throughout, and so on. Through beginning the dialogue gentle, you can be positive how the discussion can proceed possibly following school or perhaps the the next time.

Hint 3 -- Look for a Widespread Interest
For that very last "how to talk to girls" suggestion, you should learn in the event you both have any kind of common attention and make use of that will to your advantage. By way of example, in case you the two start talking about films, you can focus on your favorite types and find mutual understanding. There are so many common ground subject areas that you can discuss with your ex. Be aware that private matters needs to be against the rules before you obtain to understand each other much better.
Approach girl for first time in college

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How to Approach a Girl Successfully

Let's get right into it and waste no time with introductions, let's try to answer the question of 'how to approach a girl ?' So you roll in to your favorite club, bar or coffee place and you see the girl of your dreams, What do you say now?

before to that if you want to approach college girl.i would suggest you better look for :-
How to Approach Girl in College

How to Approach a Girl No No's!

First off, I don't want you guys going up with a cellphone to your ear pretending to be on the phone with LeBron James. Also, flexing your muscles is also becoming obsolete I'm afraid. Seriously here though, the one thing that kills guy approaching a beautiful girl is thinking about what to say to her too much. This is killer right here. I can remember the times where I must've rehearsed the line I was going to say to her ten times in my head and the time came I either wussied or sounded like a complete dork because I was stuttering like crazy.

Now that that's out of the way, let's look at some proven techniques on how to approach a girl.

How to Approach a Girl #1

Don't Think About It
Thinking about what you're going to say to a beautiful girl is usually deadly because of the natural fear of rejection that most guys are afraid of getting. Thinking too much usually leads us down such a logical route that we start talking to ourselves about all the good reasons why it's a bad idea to approach that girl in the first place.

How to Approach a Girl #2

Say It, Don't Spray It
Just come up to the girl and say something within 30 seconds. People call this the 30 second rule and it's golden window of opportunity to approach a girl before it becomes too awkward. What do I say you might ask? It's very easy to just introduce yourself with something like "Hi, I'm Peter. I thought you were really cute and I wanted to meet you" with a smile of course. This usually makes you seem very straightforward to women and makes them find you really confident.

Approach Girl in college

How to Approach a Girl #3

You're Golden!
You've talked to the girl and you have your foot in the door. Don't make things awkward and talk to her as if you were talking to anybody you know. Mainly, change topics! Don't keep talking about the same topic you opened with and stick to topics that don't relate to any politics, work, school, religion or how to approach a girl etc.

Do this enough times and you will be an opening machine and the question of how to approach a girl won't even be a problem!

I think we shed some good light on how to approach a girl and of course if you're ever in doubt of how to approach a girl, just remember this one thing. Stop Thinking, Start Doing!

Below is the Video that describe about how to approach a girl.

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27 October 2013

Top 10 Kissing Steps of First Kiss

By now you realize that most of your dating problems have come from the dumb things you’ve done that wreck seduction situations. You’ve been being a friend, or treating a woman like you would a guy, or being indecisive.
Let’s look at the top mistakes men make going for the first kiss, and show you how to avoid them.

Top kiss mistake

1) Mistake #1. You announce your intention to seduce her.
Here’s a very dumb thing that you may be tempted to do: tell your date that you have a seduction book, are studying it, and intend to use the techniques on her! You may think no one would be this dumb, but we’ve known plenty of men who’ve done it. Needless to say, she won’t want to kiss you after that. Don’t tell her you are seducing her.

2)   Mistake #2. You offend her by saying or doing something stupid.
There’s no shortage of ways to offend a woman you are on a date with. A Cosmopolitan magazine article gives a few examples of stupid things men have said or done on first dates:
The man who asked his date, "Why is it that all the good women are taken?"
The man who said, "I’m so intrigued by the mind of a serial killer. The rage and passion he must feel while actually killing someone is fascinating to me."
The man who offended (and mystified) his date by saying, "I shower four times a day. I have to."
The man who felt compelled to admit that, "When I have sex with a woman, I always have to imagine I’m with someone else."
The man who said about marriage, "I’m not a big fan of the institution myself."
The man who said about his ex-girlfriend, "Some people just need hitting."
The man who invited a woman for dinner at his house, and at the end of the date said, "To keep this relationship devoid of any sense of anyone owing anyone anything, why don’t you pay your half?" He then presented her with an itemized bill of what he spent.
You can also alienate a woman by discussing your love of pornography, commenting on other women’s bodies, or taking a position on a political or gender issue that she profoundly disagrees with.
You can further offend her by lighting a cigar (unless she lights one first), or having a prolonged scratching session in your pants or under your arm.
If you do something that offends her deeply, back off at once, apologize briefly if you think it will help, and go on with the date as if nothing happened. Sadly, you often won’t know if you’ve offended her. She won’t tell you; she’ll simply write you off, and get away from you as quickly as she can. She certainly won’t kiss you.

3)   Mistake #3. You approach the kiss as though it was a business transaction.
This is a common problem for men who want to get to the bottom line, and "get down to business." You may have this problem if you are used to the business world, or are just very practical.
Men who fall into this trap have a harder time than others accepting that they must go out of their way to make a woman feel special. They see all the work involved as false, manipulative, and dishonest. They don’t like it one bit, and seem set on proving us wrong.
Sadly for them, we aren’t wrong, and when the practical-minded man approaches a woman for a kiss, she inevitably ends up rejecting him. She tells him that he seems too "cold and calculating," which he is. Remember this: you want to be warm and kind, not cold and calculating. This is achieved by being romantic, doing the little things, and following the guidelines laid out in this book.

4) Mistake #4. You are indecisive.
When you decide to go for the kiss, go for it! Whatever method you use, this is the time when he who hesitates is lost. Women want a strong, decisive man, and that is never more evident than on the first kiss.
This does not mean that you become overly forceful, or that you ignore her if she protests. If she doesn’t want to be kissed, of course don’t kiss her. But you shouldn’t weasel around about it. If you’ve done the pre-work, and she’s passed the tests, go for it!

5) Mistake #5. You act like she is doing you a favor by kissing you.
When Pete eventually gets that first kiss, he thanks his date! This is a mistake. You can say, "that was very nice," but don’t act like she’s doing you a favor that is any bigger than the one you are doing her.
6) Mistake #6. You get flustered by minor problems on the date, and give up.
Giving up is almost always worse for the seduction than any mistake you made. Men often get flustered if a conversation doesn’t go well, if she becomes offended, or if she seems suspicious of your romantic questions.
Remember, she’s either going to respond to you, or she isn’t. It doesn’t mean anything about you. If you get flustered, you can often pretend nothing happened, and move on. She may be looking to you for verification that the date is still okay, even if there was an awkward moment or odd exchange. If you don’t give up, she’ll see that things are fine, and probably relax.

7) Mistake #7. You push too hard, too quickly.
Every seduction has its own pace. You can destroy the effectiveness of any of the technology in this book by doing it too hard, too fast, and too inexpertly. We know this may be hard to hear, coming as it does after hundreds of pages telling you how important it is that you take action in the seduction, but it’s still true. You must take action, and you must also move at her pace.
Practically speaking, you must learn to pay attention to her responses. If she is consistently resistive and unresponsive, you may be scaring her, making her angry by pushing too hard, too quickly. Slow down and back off a bit.
If she says that you are coming on too strong, don’t worry. It’s great that she gave you the feedback. Remember that she’s not necessarily telling you to stop seducing her, she’s probably just telling you to slow down.
Just say something like, "Am I coming on too strong? Sorry," and compliment her. "It’s just that you seem like a great woman. I’ll slow things down." By saying this type of thing, you’ve shown her that you were only moving so fast because she’s so great. By reassuring her that you will slow down, you also acknowledge that you are seducing her, and will continue. If she accepts this the entire interaction will move the seduction forward.

8) Mistake #8. You surprise her by trying to kiss her "out of the blue."
Women like subtly. They don’t like aggressive surprises that seem to come out of nowhere. Your first kiss should be the culmination of a long sequence of demonstrations of your sensitivity to her. If your kiss surprises her and seems "out of the blue," she’ll conclude you are insensitive and not desire you.
The solution is to distinguish between your desire and romantic-feeling moments, which will come and go. Make sure you kiss her in a romantic moment, not just because you are horny. Using the "announce" method will give her at a few moments to prepare herself for kissing you.

9) Mistake #9. You ram your tongue into her mouth.
Many women have told us about men who wrecked kisses, they would have succeeded with, by tongue-kissing too hard, too soon. The first kiss is a gentle peck, not a long French kiss. The gentle kiss acts as a prelude to a longer, more intense one. After Bruce first kissed Wendy, she said, "that was the most gentle kiss I’ve ever had." That’s the kind of response you also want.

10)    Mistake #10. You taste like garlic, have bad breath, or taste bad.
It’s no use doing all the pre-work, passing all the tests, and really establishing a connection with a woman if you are just going to ruin it by having bad breath or tasting bad. A huge number of women have told us that men have gone to kiss them, and they were disgusted by bad breath. You must not let this happen to you.
The solution is to make good breath a priority on a date. But -- this is important -- never squirt a breath spray into your mouth in front of a woman. For reasons we don’t understand, women find this a total turn-off. If you have to secretly bring a toothbrush and toothpaste to the date, and excuse yourself to use them after dinner, do so (though don’t tell her you brought them). Most of the time, using some kind of breath-freshener, gums, or breath mint, will suffice.

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Kama Sutra The Art of Kissing

Mouth is among the most sensitive parts of the body and the most versatile –You can use your lips or tongue to kiss, lick, suck, nuzzle, or nibble any area of your partner's body. Kissing is an art in itself, and the Kamasutra recognizes its power of expression by describing in detail the different forms of kissing and when each type of kiss is appropriate.

Whatever its intensity, a kiss on the lips combines the three scenes of touch, taste, and smell, each of which can produce a strong emotional response. Kisses range from fleeting contact to a deep penetration with the tongue, when the rhythm of the penetration can be matched to that simultaneous intercourse. In between lie many variations, and perhaps the Kamasutra describes types of kisses in great detail because the skill was as often overlooked then it is now.

1)    The Bent Kiss: Bent kiss is what occurs when "the heads of the two lovers are bent toward each other, and when so bent kissing takes place."
Kissing style of kamasutra

One of the most natural ways to kiss your lover is with your head angled slightly to one side, which permits maximum lip contact and deep tongue penetration. It's a maximum lip contact means of expressing passion during foreplay and a great way to heighten the excitement of intercourse.

2)    The Turned Kiss: "when one of them turns up the face of the other by holding the head and chin. And then kissing, it is called a turned kiss."

Gentleness and loving tenderness are the principal emotions evoked by a kiss of this type, which is good one to use at the beginning of foreplay or when you are making love very slowly in a face to face sitting or standing position.

3)    The Straight Kiss: A kiss in which "the lips of two lovers are brought into direct contact with each other."
When lovers like kiss like this, tongue penetration is impractical. Because of this , the straight kiss  is not means of expressing intense passion, but it is a gentle way of showing affection and expressing the initial stages of desire. It's the kind of kiss that new lovers often use in the earliest, most tentative moments of their physical relationship.

Hot kiss position in kamasutra

4)    The Pressed Kiss: There are two versions of this kiss, the first being when "the lower lip is pressed with mush force ," The second is "the greatly pressed kiss," in which one of the lovers holds the other's lower lip with his hand and then, after touching it with his tongue, kisses it with "great force".

5)    The kiss of the upper lip: when a man kisses the upper lip of a woman, while she in return kisses his lower lip, it is called the kiss of the upper lip.

Upper lip kissing techniques of kamasutra,Kamasutra kisses,Hot kiss style in kamasutra

6)    The Clasping Kiss: when either the man or woman "takes both the lips of the other between his or her own, it is called a clasping kiss. A women however, only takes this kind of kiss from a man who has no mustache, And on the occasion of this kiss, if one of them touches the teeth, the tongue, and the palate of the other with his or her tongue, it is called the fighting of the tongue. In the same way, the pressing of the teeth of the one against the mouth of the other is to be practiced." Also known as the French kiss.
Kiss in kamasutra way

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Top 14 Most Romantic Places/Time to Kiss

This article will guide you the places where you can have most romantic kisses which will remember you throughout you life and i hope you are aware about Different Types of Kisses that we have talked so for.

  1. On a secluded beach - Here we do one of the best places to kiss and to get kissed is on BEACH. We can say this in kiss guide way as “BEACH KISSSING” or “KISS ON THE BEACH”. The world is all yours! The waves gushing through your feet and the sun setting in the background… Imagine that!

                            Beach Kissing
  2. When it’s pouring or raining - Whilst everyone is running for shelter, you grab him/her closely and lock your lips like you’ve kissed never before. The water trickling over your faces and wetting your lips makes it so enjoyable. Try it tonight itself in the shower if you can’t wait! One of the most sensual ways of kissing. “RAIN KISS” or “KISS IN THE RAIN” in kiss guide way.

  3. In an closed elevator - This is most exciting and full of adrenaline rush with a fear of getting caught. The idea of trying something kinky is exciting. Whisk yourself up to the topmost floor and then zoom down to the ground again. Why don’t you let your thoughts wander for a moment.so this will be “ELEVATOR KISS” OR “KISS IN THE ELEVATOR” in kiss guide way.

  4. In a balcony or on a cliff during full moon - After having a wonderful day in the past with you loved one .kissing under the moonlight, you have chances to become the next Romeo & Juliet!.So this will be “MOON KISS” or “KISS UNDER THE MOON” in kiss guide way.

    Kissing in Full Moon

  5. During a boat ride - All away from the world just the two of you the utter silence where you can just hear the sound of water around you as he rows the boat. And you seal the warm lips of your love.“BOAT KISS” or “KISS ON THE BOAT” in kiss guide way.

    Kissing in Boat

  6. Besides a waterfall - You can just hear the loud sound of the water gushing down with so much force in the background and the mist sprays over your faces as you kiss. So “WATERFALL KISS” or “KISS IN THE WATERFALL” in kiss guides way.
    Kissing in waterfall

  7. When it is snowing outside -This is to give some warm feeling.  It is cold outside, but inside you have dim lights and the wood burning in the fireplace. You sit down on the floor or lounge on a lazy couch holding your partner. And you have strong toung to toung kissing guess where it can lead to. so its ”SNOW KISS” or “KISS IN THE SNOW” in kiss guide way.
    Kissing in Snow

  8. Besides a Bonfire - Your bodies warm up and the scene doesn’t get steamier than this… Try to remember the warmth you felt next to a bonfire last time and imagine being there with your sweetie. So its “BONFIRE KISS” or “KISS IN THE BONFIRE” in kiss guide way .
    Kissing in BonFire

  9. Next to a Fountain - This can be littile funky.Smooch besides a fountain as the water sprays on you. Stop and stare into his/her eyes. Smooch again. Then get yourself a cosy room!so its “FOUNTAIN KISS” or “KISS IN THE FOUNTAIN” in kiss guide way.
    Kissing in Fountain
  10.  Backseat of a car - This is the best bet for teenager I have seen them trying lot. If you are bit older than it can remind you your golden days.so this can sure lead to much more than just kissing passionately. It depends on how adventurous you can get! If you get a chance next time, be careful, but do unleash your fantasies!.so its “CAR KISS” or “KISS IN THE CAR” in kiss guide way.
    Kissing in car
  11.  In a glass elevator -This type of kissing can sensulaise both the partners and ca lit up the true love in the soul.The backdrop of a beautiful city with the shining sun or the evening lights makes you feel like rising high into the clouds! Can you imagine that? We already named so won’t name it again.

  12. During a forest trail or in the woods -Yes the wild way. Perfect for getting as naughty as you can! Let those ideas come in.
    Kissing in Forest

  13.  On the porch under at a starry sky -Cuddle up in a nice rocking chair under a blanket and make out. Don’t you really love this? I am quite sure you are goanna pounce on him/her after reading this, right?
                                       Kiss in starry sky

  14. In a cable car -Hanging in mid air with the world below you as the cable car wobbles… Just make sure you don’t move too much!!
    kissing in cable car

 And feel free to comment about your fav places where you kissed or got kissed by your loved ones.

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How to Desi Kiss or Indian Kissing ?

Desi kiss-

This is indian way of kissing. I found desi kiss or indian kiss through one my indian friend. Thanks to his contribution.

I guess Asian and African movies dont show kissing scenes in movies or even in reality they dont kiss in public.So people dont know much about each other kissing style here in Asia.Here what makes the difference.

Americans and Europeans while kissing put their heads together and they know exactly what they are doing. Whereas Indians or desi's only throw kisses from a distance because they do not know that two heads are better than one and thats makes it special

there are no steps of performing this kiss. Since it has all to be done ignorantly.Means that you have do act like that you dont know about the kissing.So "Desi Kiss" or "Indian Kiss" is something that you kiss your partner the way you like you want to kiss him. Kiss on hair, kiss on cheek,kiss on chin, So in Desi kiss you can just go and start kissing your partner blindly.

Check Out below video to learn Desi kiss or desi lip lock kiss. See how they are kissing passionately to each other.

Hot_Romantic_Kiss by videokl

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How to Freeze Kiss ?

The Freeze kiss will cool you off down to your backbone.

Two step to Freeze kiss or melt kiss

here are the steps to perform-

Step 1- Its going to be a normal Kiss but a different one.One of the partner put an ice cube into mouth and kiss the other partner, 

Step 2- While passing the cube to partners mouth with your tongue. The icy sensation will give you both a pleasant shock.

This is somewhat similar to The Trade-Off Kiss  where you ship edible items from one mouth to another but here you use ice.

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26 October 2013

How to Earlobe Kiss ?

Well guys to be very honest  The Foot Kiss and The Earlobe Kiss could be the starting steps of your foreplay can cuddle well here you can go as for as you can.

Earlobe is also called as Biting Ear kiss.

If you would have notice in movies both  of the kiss are performed before love making scene.

here how you can do "The Earlobe Kiss"

Earlobe kiss step by step,hot earlobe kiss guide,Bite ear kiss

Step 1 -  Suck or lightly bite your partner's earlobe, taking care not to make any loud noises or sudden movements that might change mood of  him.

Step 2 -  Bonus points if you whisper something naughty. ;)

Here is the Video of How to do "The Earlobe Kiss"-

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