29 October 2013

How To Get A Girlfriend - An Easy 3-Step Plan

How to get a girlfriend must be one of the most sought-after yet lacking skills among young men. It's time an easy step-by-step plan was put together.
The key points of such a plan are very simple -

  • figure out what kind of person you are

  • establish what kind of girl would be most attracted to you

  • and then give her the best reason in the world to like you.
Girlfriend in school

Let's take these three points one at a time.

1. What kind of person are you?

  • Are you extrovert, always with your friends, the life and soul of the party? Or are you introvert, happiest when you're alone or with just one or two friends in quiet surroundings?Or maybe you're somewhere in between, like most people. Gauge whereabouts you are on the scale.

  • Do you have any special qualities? Everyone has at least one or two.
  • Are you kind? 
  • Do you have a sharp wit or great sense of humour?
  • Are you good with people? 
  • Are you devoted to a particular sport or hobby?

what kind of personality you have to attract girl

Assess your strong points and your weak points, good things about you and not so good things. All the things in life you love, and all the things you hate.
Take your time over this because it's golden. Even write it all down if it helps. It really does work.

When you've written all you can, put the paper away and retrieve it the next day or the day after. You'll be surprised at how many changes you make to it after your sub-conscious has had time to ponder it all.
The more you do this the better the picture you'll have of yourself - and the truer. So let's move on to the next stage.

2. What kind of girl would be most attracted to a person like you?
You shouldn't go looking for a girl that's a carbon copy of you, nor the complete opposite. That's not how to get a girlfriend. Look at all the characteristics that you've written down and establish in your mind in relation to each one what kind of qualities should be present in your ideal girlfriend.
Girl will like you

If you're totally outgoing and liable to do some wacky things sometimes, you may prefer a girlfriend who can "rein you in" now and then. If you're rather quiet and introverted you need a girlfriend who can bring you out and make you blossom.
You see? It doesn't really matter if she's blonde or brunette, petite or well rounded. What matters most is how the two of you can blend together to form a mutually satisfying and workable partnership. That's how to get girlfriends.

3. How do you give her a solid reason to like you?
You have to make her feel good about herself. And you do this not by trying to impress her with how wonderful you are, but by how wonderful she is. By focusing the conversation on her, taking her side in every problem she has, and giving her true appreciation for what she is.
What qualities in boy attract a girl

Apart from smiling and laughing with her, you should show her at every opportunity that you think she's special - better than any other girl. If you do this with sincerity then soon she'll not be able to get enough of it. And she'll be proud to call herself your girlfriend.
So now you know much more about how to get a girlfriend.

You can refer this as well  Moving animated cartoon smiling eyes with finger pointing down

 How to Get a Girl to Like you - 5 Steps

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